Friday, April 26, 2013

So Many Choices for Mother's Day!

Out Mothers Day cards are ready! For all of you wonderful fans of Topanga Women's Circle, we thank you for your past support and hope you are able to again help us this year.  And for all our new friends, we so appreciate your interest. We realize that everyone has a charitable cause that they hold dear and this makes your card purchases even more treasured.  The monies we raise from the sale of these cards allows us to continue the work we do with families and veterans as they move out of homelessness and into transitional housing.  This year has been an extraordinarily busy one for us and we are proud to say we have created a new home for over 70 families.  Many of our supporters send cards to every mother that has touched them...and that includes their daughters, aunts, friends, etc.  Others send cards to friends in memory of mothers they have lost, which I always think is such a touching remembrance.

We have some fabulous new photos to share with you this year, as well as some tried and true favorites.  Each one will have a number assigned to it so just let me know your preferences.  Because we have already printed the images, and because the flower photos are all pretty gorgeous, feel free just to specify flower and we will choose a lovely one for you.

The cards are still only $25 each and you can mail payment to me (Linda Ilsley) at 2670 Topanga Skyline Drive, Topanga, CA  90290 with the check made out as follows:
Community Partners fbo Topanga Women's Circle (TWC)

Same beautiful message inside.  We can give you blank cards for you to post but we we are happy to do all the work for you, mailing them to whomever you choose just as long as you send Karen ( or me ( an email with the following information:

  • Name and address of the recipient and
  • How you would like it to be signed and any personal message you would like included.
In advance, thank you all so much for helping this little homegrown charity achieve so very much.

Linda & Karen xoxo




















Sunday, April 14, 2013

Set-Ups and Mother's Day Card Gathering Details

Last week's set-ups are a story of contrasts.  Let's get the negative out of the way and finish on a positive note.  And apologies in advice for any errors cos I am not going to proof but will hit that send button the second I am finished.  I am trying to type and my Mum keeps chattering away and my focus is up and down!

Set-Up #1
The first set-up at Venice Community Housing's Transitional Living Center (TLC) was as frustrating as they come.  Through no fault of our volunteer group, they were unable to access the apartment for the new mom and kids moving in later that afternoon and had to leave everything outside the apartment door. Communication with our contact person at the TLC is spotty at best and this was no exception...sigh.  We so want to create a warm and welcoming space for the incoming families and our frustration level is high when it just doesn't work out. Our sincere apologies to all those who wanted so much to help on the day including Karen Saeki, Holly Baumann, Mary Morley and, at the helm, Karen Sherwood.

Set-Up #2
Westwood Transitional Village (WTV). It is rare that we are given any details about the intake families that we serve but when we are, they never fail to tug at our heartstrings.  This was no exception.  We got the call that a 43-year old mom, a victim of domestic violence, had fled to Los Angeles for the safety of her 12-year old daughter and herself.  This is heartbreaking and the idea of a mother and child fleeing their home like this is just so distressing.  Joining Karen at this set-up were Mary Morley and the Briskmans, long-time volunteer Dana, her almost 13-year old daughter Cass and almost 9-year old Caleb.  Dana has involved her children with TWC since its very inception and we have photos from years ago when Cass was just a tiny girl. And now, Cass has chosen to work with TWC this year as her charitable project for her Bat Mitzvah.  She has done set-ups but also created a beautiful Christmas for one of the children at the TLC at VCH...lots of hard work and dedication from this terrific girl. She is a peach.  Here are some lovely pictures from the day.

Mary worked on the bathroom, Dana unpacked all the kitchen gear and got that sorted with Caleb's help, Cass decorated the girl's room and Karen was in the master bedroom.

Cass unloading the car

Caleb, full of energy and ready to help!

Mary and Caleb, ready for action

Dana and Cass, creating their masterpiece in the girl's room

Caleb setting the table

Cass had lots of ideas

Caleb, looking mighty pleased with himself!

Cass on a roll!

Love the plastic stickers on the wall.  Great job Cass!

And now onto Mother's Day.  This is so important and even if you cannot attend, please get your card orders into us (send to Karen or me) ASAP.

When:  Saturday, April 20

Time:  10 AM until finished (usually around 4 at the latest).  

Phone:  310.455.2185 if you have questions about location

Where:  Deborah Kashinsky's home:  210 Muerdago

Directions:  From Pine Tree Circle, take Topanga Cyn Blvd and turn right on Entrada. Just past the State Park Entrance (Dead Horse), turn right on Lower Encina.  Follow for approx 1/3 mile and take the right split to Muerdago.  The house sits up on a hill on the left side of the street.  Here are parking deets:

Park near the white 210 mailbox on Muerdago.  There is one spot parallel to the road, inside the fence, and the driveway has room for cars to park behind one another.  Her neighbors across the road have no parking signs along the fence, but Deborah will tell them we are coming and we will be able to park along the long as you don't hit it.  If you take the next driveway past the white 210 mailbox on the left, it goes up steeply and drops down sharply to the left at the top.

There are a few spaces up there in front of the house.  Carpooling is a good idea!

This is a good opportunity to take home the cards you want to send or place your orders.  Bring your checkbooks! Hopefully, you are all talking this up to your friends and trying to get them to purchase some as well.  Remember the next couple of Saturdays we will be selling on Saturday morning outside our Bin from 10 to Noon.

We will send out one more reminder email to all of you, but I cannot emphasize how important this fundraiser is to the continued success of TWC.  We absolutely rely on.  We have no dues, so this is the big one!

I am looking forward to coming home on Tuesday and am more than ready for some good California weather.  Spring has been slow in coming to England!  I had one lovely Topanga moment, though, when I met Sophie Kipner, Lizzie's daughter, for lunch in London.  Bliss!