I hope this finds you all well and enjoying the perfection of springtime in Topanga. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to believe the beauty that surrounds all of us. We're so very, very lucky.
There's lots happening right now so I'll give each item a header and make it easier for you all to follow.
Mother's Day: Our cards are coming along nicely and the orders are trickling in. If everyone could get their order in by this coming Sunday, that would be great. A number of our members have ordered multiple cards for friends, moms, relatives, etc. and I want to extend special thanks to those who have been so very generous this Mother's Day. By sending out an email to my friends all around the country, a goodly number of donations have also come our way so if you haven't done so, don't forget that this is the one time of year when we can sell this idea to friends. Just send in your order and we'll get the cards out for you or you can pick them up from us and send them yourselves. We hope to get at least one card order from each TWC member so please respond soon! We have some beautiful wildflower cards, and also the cow/calf, mare/foal and pair of hummingbirds in the nest pictures. Specify what you'd like when you get in touch with us, as well as how you'd like the card signed and the recipient's name and address (if you're having us mail them). Many thanks to Noelle Berman for the beautiful printing job she does for us; this year and last year. What a gift that is.
Susan Lovell's Topanga Anthem Release Show: Please check out this link for details/ticket purchase info, etc. of Susan's release show this coming Saturday, April 30th, 3 PM, at The Institute of Courage. What a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon...beautiful music, beautiful setting and supporting TWC. A win:win!
Fundraising from the Heart: Catherine McClenahan is hosting a gathering in her beautiful home this coming Saturday, April 30th, from 11 AM to 1 PM where she will share with us all that she learned from the amazing Lynne Twist after attending her seminar in Santa Fe, NM. Catherine was so inspired by Lynne that she would like to share with us all how asking for money for those in need can be an absolute honor and joy. Janaki Welch knows Lynne well and will also share with us the inspiration that is Lynne. If you want to be inspired, check out Lynne's website above or this
link or this so you can get a good idea of how beautiful and dynamic a person Lynne is and please let Catherine know if you can attend: 310.455.7211
Saturday April 30th from 11 AM to 1 PM
1500 Will Geer Rd,
Topanga CA 90290
Marlene Frantz's (pre) Mother's Day Show and Sale on Saturday, May 7: Here's something that should be great fun and of some benefit to TWC. Please gather at Marlene's beautiful home for a wonderful afternoon of art, community, conversation, wine and tea in honor of Motherhood and to benefit...us! Our very own Mother's Day cards and assorted card packets will also be for sale at this show. If you have trouble with the link for Marlene's show, please note that it is at her home:
Saturday, May 7th, 11 AM - 6 PM
2076 Hillside Drive in Topanga
Karen is looking for some help from TWC members at this event so if you can give an hour or two of your time between noon and 6 PM on May 7th, please drop Karen a line: kfswood@gmail.com.
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