Saturday, August 13, 2011

8/12/11 Set-Up

Yesterday's set-up for the Green/Carter family was a little more complicated than usual as the family had been moved out of a unit where they were being temporarily housed to allow for an emergency intake of another family.  This meant that the apartment we were setting up was filled with their meager possessions which we tried to move as little as possible, while still ensuring a warm welcome for them.  We say it at most meetings, but need to frequently remind ourselves...homelessness is not tidy, and yesterday certainly lived up to that.

Helping Karen and me was an absolutely terrific young man, Sasha, the son of TWC volunteer Azmina Kanji.  Azmina and Sasha have been quietly involved in helping our group for some time now by donating monies raised from special sales of their clothing lines to our group and yesterday was no exception.  Not only did they donate some beautiful items of clothing, including fantastic t-shirts from Sasha's line, but also a percentage of sales from Azmina's Xmas clothing sale.  This was Sasha's first set-up and he did a terrific job, especially considering it was a complicated one.  Plus, he was a strong young man for carrying the heavy stuff!

Here are some photos that will give you a better idea than my words.  Look closely. Perhaps you'll see something that you donated!

 Sasha ready to work!

 Hall Decor 
(one of three donated nesting tables and decorative piece of china)

 The Master Bathroom

 More of the Master Bath

 The Master Bedroom

 One of Sasha's t-shirts that he left for the son

 The second bathroom

 More of the second bathroom

 A toaster oven!

All finished!

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